Micropoint Current Stimulation is a therapeutic application for reducing pain and releasing scar tissue. It is Health and Canada FDA approved. This clinic uses the dolphin neurostim devices to deliver these microcurrents primarily for scar release and for post concussion rehab and care.
This therapeutic technique uses one or two small hand held devices to apply a microamperage of DC current briefly to various points in the body. The microcurrents used closely approximate the natural electrical currents our nervous system and heart use. There is ample clinical and published evidence showing how effective MPS is for pain reduction, scar release and concussion management. MPS therapy is often used with traditional acupressure and acupunture points.
When used to treat scars MPS therapy can improve range of motion, decrease pain, and improve the visual look of scars even if they are decades old.
This technique releases layers of scar tissue, fascial adhesion and muscle tightness around the scar tissue that are restricting movement and could be cauising compensation patterns elsewhere. This means that clients often have changes in range of motion and stability after their first session.
Often clients will feel immediete releif from pain assciated with the scar, or pain referred from the scar to other parts of the body with even a single session of MPS therapy. Abdominal scars often cause pain in the lower back and hips. Scars on the face and skull can cause global dysfunctions and pain that might be referred to distant points in the body. Numbness around scars that are even decades old can be relieved, improving sensation in the area.
Additionally, the texture of the scar will change within the session. Clients will notice visible changes, with scars becoming softer, flatter and more pliable after one session.
Electrical Currents Used in Pain Reduction and Scar Release
There are other technologies out there that use electrical current therapeutically, including the much more well known TENS device, but MPS therapy has many benefits beyond these.
A TENS device delivers much larger amperage of electricity and in a different type of current. They use milliamps of AC current which block pain messages from the spine to the brain, rather than focusing on tissue change. The use of AC current and these larger amperages mean that TENS treatments often cause stress to the Autonomic Nervous System. In MPS therapy the amperage is much smaller, only millionths of an amp. These microamps of DC current can work on a cellular level, delivering a microamperage of current that is often below the sensory threshold, and calming to the ANS. This means that the experience for the client is very mild and often totally painless.
MPS therapy has several large studies showing it to be effective at naturally reducing nervous system stress and cortisol levels. In addition, these microamperages of DC current have been show in published studies to increase ATP production in tissues.